Have you experienced any breakthroughs as a result of applying the insights from the Formula 4 Micro Course?
Did the module equip you with a clear grasp of the essential elements of Formula 4 for Zazzle success?
Did you find the recommended resources and tools valuable for mastering Formula 4 on Zazzle?
How would you rate the structure and organization of the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Did the lessons flow logically and cohesively?
Do you have any recommendations for enhancing the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Are there specific areas you believe should receive more extensive or detailed explanation?
Do you have any additional insights or remarks about the "Mastering Formula 4" module?
Overall, how would you rate the "Mastering Formula 4" course module on a scale of 1 to 5? (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest)
Would you recommend Module 4, "Mastering Formula 4," to others? If so, what aspects do you find most compelling?
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Have you experienced any breakthroughs as a result of applying the insights from the Formula 4 Micro Course? There's so much content in this course that it took a while to digest. I can see how the micro niches would work with this strategy.
Did the module equip you with a clear grasp of the essential elements of Formula 4 for Zazzle success? Yes, it did... even though my brain took a while to grasp some of it.
Did you find the recommended resources and tools valuable for mastering Formula 4 on Zazzle? Yes, I'm happy that you provided all of those research links.
How would you rate the structure and organization of the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Did the lessons flow logically and cohesively? Absolutely, it was all presented thoughtfully and thoroughly.
Do you have any recommendations for enhancing the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Are there specific areas you believe should receive more extensive or detailed explanation? I think it was all presented well.
Do you have any additional insights or remarks about the "Mastering Formula 4" module? It certainly opens the doors for unique product development beyond just the micro niches.
Overall, how would you rate the "Mastering Formula 4" course module on a scale of 1 to 5? (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) Definitely a 5!
Would you recommend Module 4, "Mastering Formula 4," to others? If so, what aspects do you find most compelling? It provides a clear blueprint for expanding into other target markets, along with title and tags usage to get more visibility, as well as info on testing and split testing to optimize results. Now to work on those 4's to expand my visibility!
1.Have you experienced any breakthroughs as a result of applying the insights from the Formula 4 Micro Course?
Too early for any results
2. Did the module equip you with a clear grasp of the essential elements of Formula 4 for Zazzle success?
Yes, I have never really thought about title content, any improvements have been as a result of using Chat gpt which often gives a witty description, and has made me think (for example) that using it's suggestion "Gobble and go" is maybe not the best description for a Thanksgiving card.
(I observe that some products regarding gobbling have been removed from the marketplace because they were clearly suggestive)
3. Did you find the recommended resources and tools valuable for mastering Formula 4 on Zazzle?
4. How would you rate the structure and organization of the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Did the lessons flow logically and cohesively?
5. Do you have any recommendations for enhancing the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Are there specific areas you believe should receive more extensive or detailed explanation?
No, but to the list of fetivals and events add Advent.
6. Do you have any additional insights or remarks about the "Mastering Formula 4" module?
I have not added "what the product is" to my titles following advice elsewhere because Zazzle does it automatically, which saves work when using the "Transfer this design" to other products.
Any thoughts on this?
7. Overall, how would you rate the "Mastering Formula 4" course module on a scale of 1 to 5? (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest)
8. Would you recommend Module 4, "Mastering Formula 4," to others? If so, what aspects do you find most compelling?
Yes, because I have previously thought that because the length of title Zazzle allows is so short, I have concentrated on describing the design above all else.
Have you experienced any breakthroughs as a result of applying the insights from the Formula 4 Micro Course? Not so much a breakthrough as an affirmation and a firmer focus. Two years ago I decided to challenge myself to go through Zazzle's recipient dropdown list and make one gift for each person on the list. Some of these actually did sell and I doubt I would have made them if I hadn't done that challenge. This course is like that challenge except a lot more detailed and focused. I did that challenge as a one-off but this course shows it should be a permanent strategy.
Did the module equip you with a clear grasp of the essential elements of Formula 4 for Zazzle success? Yes.
Did you find the recommended resources and tools valuable for mastering Formula 4 on Zazzle? Yes.
How would you rate the structure and organization of the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Did the lessons flow logically and cohesively? I rate it highly. It's a solid strategy, one that I barely dabbled in before and clearly it is worth doing in great depth.
Do you have any recommendations for enhancing the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Are there specific areas you believe should receive more extensive or detailed explanation? No, in fact going into even more detail might make it ponderous.
Do you have any additional insights or remarks about the "Mastering Formula 4" module? I recently became a paid, rather than free subscriber to ChatGPT (because it will soon integrate with DALL E3) so I was able to run an experiment between results for CHatGPT 3.5 (free) and ChatGPT 4 (paid subscription) for your prompt formula. When I ran the exact same prompt in both they gave wildly different results. I wouldn't say 4 was superior to 3.5, just wildly different. So all in all I got 10 idea rather than 5. Then I tried running the same prompt for both but upping the requested number to 10. ChatGPT 3.5 struggled but ChatGPT4 did markedly better than 3.5. Not that I think generating prompts justifies the price of subscription but since it does so much more than generate prompts, it could be worth it to some. I did it for eventual DALL E 3 but 4's superiority in coming up with 10 ideas from the prompt was an exciting bonus. But ChatGPT 3.5 is free so well worth using it with this and similar prompts.
Overall, how would you rate the "Mastering Formula 4" course module on a scale of 1 to 5? (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) 5, love this stuff.
Would you recommend Module 4, "Mastering Formula 4," to others? If so, what aspects do you find most compelling? Yes, I'd recommend.The overall advice to focus on recipients is good. Zazzle's focus is apparently holidays/occasions so the tendency of many (including myself except for my singular challenge 2 years ago) is to focus on occasions. Obviously there is a focus on Mothers for Mother's Day and Father's for Father's Day but beyond that it gets a little hazy. The focus stays on the event and the recipients get shoehorned in. But a recipient-first focus gets results and is actually less overwhelming than designing for an overall occasion. I've never done "wedding design" because it's just so overwhelming (and crowded). But when I challenged myself 2 years ago, when I got to "nephew" on the recipient dropdown list I made a onesie for a baby nephew of the groom. Just one little product that isn't tied into any wedding suite or any other products. It has sold many times. Recipient-first designing can help with focus and break a huge event into manageable pieces.
Not yet, but I am incorporating this title layout into newer products as I think this will add value to my titles.
Did the module equip you with a clear grasp of the essential elements of Formula 4 for Zazzle success? Yes.
Did you find the recommended resources and tools valuable for mastering Formula 4 on Zazzle? Yes. I really like that you add in the worksheets to help with jotting down important information and keeping things organzized. Also, the list for doing product and trend research is super helpful. I will be keeping this list close by for easy referencing.
How would you rate the structure and organization of the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Did the lessons flow logically and cohesively? I would rate it a 5. Everything was laid out accordingly so it was easy to follow and learn.
Do you have any recommendations for enhancing the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Are there specific areas you believe should receive more extensive or detailed explanation? I like the module because it widens your ideas and thought process when it comes to designing purposefully. By deciding who you are designing for and what you will design for them, it makes it easier to stay on task and list items. Instead of feeling creative and staring at a blank product page trying to figure out what you are going to design next.
Do you have any additional insights or remarks about the "Mastering Formula 4" module? I like it and you can also use those same 4 topics in your keywords to to help reach your target audience for that design.
Overall, how would you rate the "Mastering Formula 4" course module on a scale of 1 to 5? (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) I would rate it a 5. Sometimes I stumble on how to structure the title of the product and this technique will definitely add a boost to them.
Would you recommend Module 4, "Mastering Formula 4," to others? If so, what aspects do you find most compelling? Definitely would recommend. The Formula 4 aspect is a great way to add more targeted keywords into your title and help you focus on who this product is being designed for. Also, the lists provided to help get those creative juices flowing for gift recipients, hobbies, and gift giving occassions is very benifial and will really help you target your designs to your customers.
To 1. I immediately incorporated the new findings into my new products and I think that this will make my products more visible. On this basis, I will optimize my existing products.
To 2. That definitely. It's much clearer to me now what's important for sales and visibility on Zazzle.
To 3. The resources and tools are great. However, I am sometimes redirected to other pages or only the homepage of the tools is displayed. For example Instagram.
To 4. The structure is very structured and logical. I can work with it very well.
To 5. I haven't noticed anything yet.
To 6. I don't have any insights or comments because you have much more experience and I learn from you.
To 7. The course module is fantastic and clearly deserves the highest rating 5. Thank you for putting so much thought into it.
To 8. I definitely recommend Module 4. I believe that anyone who wants to be successful with Zazzle should also receive this information. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to go through this learning process. The most convincing thing for me is the information on how I can find out the right product types. Thank you for the course.
Have you experienced any breakthroughs as a result of applying the insights from the Formula 4 Micro Course? - Yes, I hadn’t thought of using that way of naming products, and have already started using it on new products. I’ll use it to tweak older products too as they need optimising.
Did the module equip you with a clear grasp of the essential elements of Formula 4 for Zazzle success? - Yes
Did you find the recommended resources and tools valuable for mastering Formula 4 on Zazzle? - Yes
How would you rate the structure and organization of the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Did the lessons flow logically and cohesively? - Yes, it was well laid out and easy to understand.
Do you have any recommendations for enhancing the "Mastering Formula 4" module? Are there specific areas you believe should receive more extensive or detailed explanation? - No, it was very clear.
Do you have any additional insights or remarks about the "Mastering Formula 4" module? - This was a great module which really got me thinking.
Overall, how would you rate the "Mastering Formula 4" course module on a scale of 1 to 5? (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) - 5
Would you recommend Module 4, "Mastering Formula 4," to others? If so, what aspects do you find most compelling? - Yes, I would. It’s one of those things that seems obvious once you know it, but that I hadn’t thought of before. It’s going to change how I do things in future. Thanks Leah!